Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

Bilan d'activité Senegal UWC National Committee 2008-2009

          UWC National Committee and Selection Contacts
Annual Report 2008-2009
(covering the selection period for entry in September 2009 or January 2010 for WK)
  Country Senegal        
  Please list the following Members of your Committee. The contact details given here will be published in the International Organisation Directory. If you already have a list containing this information, feel free to attach that instead.  
  Name  Baïdy DIENG Farba SECK  
  If UWC graduate add
College and years
(For example, UWC-USA 98-00)
College from to College from to  
  Atlantic College 1980 1982 Atlantic College 1980 1982  
  Mailing Address
(Press Alt+Return/Enter to move to the next line of the address)
C/o Ernst & Young, 22 Rue Ramez Bourgi BP 545 DAKAR (Senegal) C/o Performances Management Consulting, Rue de Thann x Bld Djily MBAYE ; BP 22352 DAKAR (Senegal)  
  Telephone  (work)  
  Telephone  (home)  
  Telephone  (cell phone)  
  E-mail baidy.dieng@sn.ey.com  ;  baidydieng@yahoo.com fnseck@performancesconsulting.com   farbanseck@yahoo.fr  
          Selection Contact Graduate Contact  
  Name  Baïdy DIENG Diaretou Madina GAYE  
  If UWC graduate add
College and years
(For example, UWC-USA 98-00)
College from to College from to  
  Atlantic College 1980 1982 Pearson College 1992 1994  
  Mailing Address
(Press Alt+Return/Enter to move to the next line of the address)
C/o Ernst & Young, 22 Rue Ramez Bourgi BP 545 DAKAR (Senegal) BP 23377 Dakar Ponty Sénégal  
  Telephone  (work)  
  Telephone  (home)  
  Telephone  (cell phone)  
  E-mail baidy.dieng@sn.ey.com  ;  baidydieng@yahoo.com dirateou.gaye@orange-sonatel.com  
  Please indicate which member is the first point of contact for the International Office and the Colleges. This person will appear as the Main Contact in the International Directory and used for day to day communications with the Committee as well as being the contact during the selection and offers process.  
  Name of Main Contact Baïdy DIENG  
  Please supply a list of any additional Committee Members and their posts (Public Relations Officer, Treasurer, Fundraising Officer, etc.). This can be attached to the report as a separate document.   
  Please also list any Committee Members who would like to receive the National Committee Newsletter  
  Position in NC First Name Last Name Email address  
  Treasurer Farba SECK fnseck@performancesconsulting.com  
  Fundraising Officer Abdoulaye               THIAM                       athiam2@yahoo.com  
  Public Relations Officer Moustapha NDIAYE andiaye@worldbank.org

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