Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

IE University to award scholarships for higher education studies to United World Colleges (UWC) alumni

       IE University to award scholarships for higher education studies to United World Colleges (UWC) alumni  



Both institutions run programs renowned for their focus on academic excellence in a multicultural environment



Madrid. 30 September 2010. IE University and the UWC Spanish Committee Foundation have reached an agreement whereby IE will award scholarships to two graduates from a United World College partner institution to study their university degrees. Each year the scholarships will permit two young people - one of whom will be Spanish, and the other from any other country worldwide - to study the degree of their choice from among the extensive portfolio of programs at IE University.


The recipients of the scholarships will have obtained their International Baccalaureate Diploma from any 12 of the 13 United World Colleges partner schools worldwide. Practically all the young people who study and reside in the UWC schools have received scholarships from their countries of origin. Hence, the new agreement with IE University means that in addition to achieving a scholarship to study their Baccalaureate in the US, Canada, India, China, Norway or the UK, among other countries, they will now be able to take their education to university level thanks to the scholarships offered by IE University.


As from the 2011-2012 academic year, the United World Colleges Foundation will draw up a short list of three Spanish students and three students from other countries, who will be evaluated by a committee comprised of representatives from UWC and IE University. The ideal candidate will have a brilliant academic record, a desire to become a global professional in his or her chosen field of knowledge, and similar values to those of IE University: innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and an interest in humanities.


Before embarking on their degree course at IE University, these UWC students will have lived and studied alongside other young people from 80 to 100 different countries. The mission of UWC, a non-profit organization, is to promote peace and understanding on an international scale through multicultural education.


“Both institutions feel that commitment, leadership and good work can change the world. This is not a utopia.” says Berta Fraguas, Director General of the UWC Spanish Committee Foundation. “Thanks to the community service program undertaken by UWC students in a diverse environment, they learn that we always have a debt to society, and that you have to give back part of what it has been given to you.”


“This year IE University’s student body comprises over 60 nationalities. This diversity, coupled with excellence and our students’ passion for creativity will lead them to become change agents in a global market,” says Santiago Iñiguez, President of IE University. “We share UWC’s commitment to making this happen, and we want to offer its students the opportunity to build their future with us.”







About IE University


IE University is an extension of the IE Education model to undergraduate education, with an innovative approach to undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. IE University has 1,200 students of 60 different nationalities and a unique faculty comprised of some 400 Spanish and international experts. It runs officially recognized English and Spanish-taught degree programs in Business Administration, Law, Communication, Architecture, Biology, History of Art and Tourism. All its programs have a markedly international slant and a special focus on entrepreneurial learning.


IE University’s campus in Segovia covers a surface area of over 18,000m2 with classrooms, workshops, laboratories, radio and television studios, conference halls and communal areas, where latest generation technology is seamlessly integrated into a historical setting in the form of a thirteenth century convent.

About United World Colleges:

United World Colleges (UWC) is an international non-profit organization with presence in more than 125 countries. Its objective is to build a society in peace through a multicultural education. Founded in 1962, and chaired by Nelson Mandela and Queen Noor of Jordan, UWC comprises 13 academic excellence colleges in America, Asia, Europe and Africa. In each college live and study around 200 scholars from 16 to 19 years old of 80 different nationalities. Most of them receive a grant and are selected in their own countries according to their student record, beyond their socioeconomic position. While these students live in the United World Colleges, they take part in volunteer programs and participate in discussions about international understanding and sustainable development. After two decades sending Spanish scholars abroad, Spain will host in 2013 the 14th United World College, which will be located in Comillas (Cantabria).


For more information on the scholarships visit IE Financial Aid Website: http://financialaid.ie.edu/grados.aspx 


For more information:

Geoffroy Gérard, Associate Director of Communications, IE University

Tel.: 91 568 96 95 - E-mail: Geoffroy.Gerard@ie.edu



Randy López, Assistant, UWC Spanish Committee Foundation

Tel. 91 702 24 24 - E-mail: info@colegiosmundounido.es




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