Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

Offre de bourse pour le Collège de Singapour 2010-2012

21 January 2010


Mr Baidy Dieng

c/o Ernst & Young

22 rue Ramez Bourgi

BP 545 Dakar



Dear Baidy


I write to confirm the information that you have already received from the UWC International Office in London, which is that the UWC National Committee of Senegal has been offered a scholarship at UWCSEA for the period August 2010 to May 2012.  


Full tuition and boarding fees, including uniform, examination fee, amenities and medical insurance will be covered by UWCSEA.  In addition, we are offering to cover airfares to and from Singapore once a year, pocket money, holiday allowance and project week. We hope that you will be able to select for us, a young person of very high quality from a humble background. We would welcome any information relating to means testing that you have.  In the event that the parents of the candidate selected have sufficient income to provide pocket money and/or pay for the flight, then we will review the situation regarding these additional items.


As you may be aware we have a limited number of boarding places at UWCSEA and the demand for places far exceeds the supply. In order to ensure that we treat other students fairly it has become necessary for us to specify the gender of the student. We therefore request that the student you select for UWCSEA is male.


Please find attached a student application form, adapted from one of our National Committee’s forms, which we hope you will find useful in your selection process. The information elicited from the form has proven extremely valuable in helping us to get to know our scholars prior to arrival.


Please find enclosed a copy of the Senior School Guide. We are also sending a profile, put together by staff and scholars, which provides a description of the type of student we believe would thrive at UWCSEA. We have found this profile to be extremely important and helpful to both scholars nominated for UWCSEA and National Committees, as it outlines what we are looking for in our NC students.  Upon confirmation of your nomination we will send relevant information, as well as a ‘student commitment’ letter, modeled from Shelby Davis’ letter of commitment, which we would like all scholars and their families to sign on acceptance of their scholarship.


May I thank you in anticipation for undertaking the nomination process on our behalf. We look forward to receiving your nomination, as well as the completed student application form.


All good wishes




DIANE SMART (MS)                                                                         

Principal of High School         

Email: dsm@uwcsea.edu.sg

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