Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

The Global Leadership Forum at UWC-USA 2 weeks in August 2012


Dear Baidy Dieng,





My name is Josh Holland. I am the Director of the Global Leadership Forum (GLF) at the UWC-USA. I should say up front that Tim Smith sends his warm regards! I believe you and I met when I picked you up from the airport during your recent trip to the states. I hope that journey was pleasant and helpful.





Baidy, I am emailing to tell you about the GLF. Basically it is a UWC Short Course that delivers a condensed, extra-intense, UWC experience in two weeks. There is a PDF attached to this email.





I want to be clear that I am not asking you or any other national committee to fund students. Instead, I am hopeful that you might be able to connect the GLF program and suitable young people. I am sure you had to (or will have to) turn away a lot of great young people from Senegal during your selection process. I’d love to talk to those Senegalese kids! What Tim Smith and I have worked out amongst the American applicants is that we are sending the attached information to potential UWCers after the interviewee pool is decided, but before the actual decisions are made.





Further, I am offering a donation of $200 for each tuition-paying student the Portugal committee recommends as a symbolic honorarium for the time it will take to make these essential connections. I hope that this might help out with administrative costs in your office.





After you examine our PDF, and then perhaps visit our website at

www.uwc-usa.org/glf, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.



Baidy, I am looking forward to speaking with you soon!








Josh Holland






Global Leadership Forum


A short course at the UWC-USA

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