Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

The Middle East with the "Arava-Valley of Peace" summer course in Israel

Dearest committees,


I am happy to introduce you to "Arava-Valley of Peace" summer course in Israel , August 2010.


This year, the initiative of the Red-Sea College in cooperation with the UWC national committee of Israel, have decided to initiate a summer course in Israel for the young promising leaders from all over the world. The project has been given the name:"Arava-Valley Of Peace".


 The Red Sea’s Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba borders four countries, Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This is now a corner of peace where in 1994 the late King Hussein and the late Prime-minister Yizhak Rabin signed a peace treaty.


The summer course "Arava- valley of peace" is intended to give youth from all over the world (emphasizing the Middle-East) the opportunity to create a unique social network  while experimentally learning together the Arava valley in its environmental aspect. The program is a great opportunity to get to know the situation in the Middle-East, the beauty of the land , and above all- the beauty of the diverse people. The course includes activities in nature such as hiking , diving and cycling -where the students will explore environmental issues , cultural experiences in Jerusalem (3 religion views)and peace-building workshops .


This initiative is the milestone for the Red Sea College that is planned to be established in Israel. Please visit our website: http://www.redsea-college.org/90424/Arava-Valley-of-Peace-Project-1 .


This year we have started organizing this summer course in a rather late date, but we truly believe in this opportunity to bring a new atmosphere to the Middle East or to at least initiate it. This summer course WILL be one of the most extraordinary events happening in the Middle-East this summer- thus, we want to share this experience in the most multy-cultural way possible.


So- if you believe you have the person to give this UWC opportunity this summer and a breaking-through cross-bordering experience in the Middle East, you are invited to contact Niva Alush- Summer course coordinator, and ask for application forms.


The fees for the program are 300 EUR for two and a half weeks- when we DO have the option for financial aid.


And remember- it is NEVER too late to grant one with a UWC opportunity (especially for candidates who did not get a scholarship for UWC).



with Warm Regards,

Niva Alush,

Summer Course coordinator.

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