Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

UWC common code of conduct - May 2010

UWC Common Code of Conduct

Pursuing the UWC mission – to make education a force to unite people, nations, and cultures for peace and a sustainable future – requires a commitment to the following values: international and intercultural understanding, celebration of difference, personal responsibility and integrity, mutual responsibility and respect, compassion and service, respect for the environment, a sense of idealism, personal challenge, action and personal example.

At the heart of the UWC ethos is respect for others in all our actions and words. This means that we must think about the common good and be able to rise above our individual desires and needs.

In short, our ideals require good heartedness from all members of the UWC community and a recognition that cultural norms are diverse. The common code of conduct is required to make expectations clear.

Students who accept a position at a UWC school or college commit to the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, one that avoids potential harm to self and to others. The following are not tolerated:

• - Illicit drugs

• - Tobacco

• - Alcohol on school property and school sponsored activities

• - Sexual activity in any public area, including student rooms

• - Hazing, bullying or harassment

• - Assault

• - Stealing or ‘borrowing without permission’

Additionally, each college will have clear expectations regarding:

• - Attendance (at all classes and activities)

• - Academic integrity

• - Respect for curfew and/or quiet time

• - Alcohol ‘off-campus’

Individual UWC schools and colleges may have additional standards on these issues that reflect the laws and cultural norms of the country in which they are located. The expectation is that the UWC common code of conduct will be followed both in action and in spirit.

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