Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

Profil d'Aminata Amayel Ly UWC Pearson College 2005-2007

Aminata Amayel LY

UWC Pearson College (Canada) 2005-2007


My name is Aminata Amayel Ly and attended Lester B. Pearson College (Victoria, Canada) in 2005 and prior to that, I was a student at Saidou Nourou Tall in Dakar.

At UWC, I was in Economics Mathematics and English A2 higher level. I believe that to living for two years with a diverse student and faculty body sharing views and opinions inside and outside of classes was extremely rewarding.

I interacted with people from different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds, different socioeconomic statuses. This allowed me to get a better understanding of who I was and where I come from.

Currently, I am studying Economics, Mathematics and Chinese, at Connecticut College and will be graduating in 2011. My two years at UWC give me a great interest in current international affairs and provided me with the endeavor to work hard and serve my community. 


Aminata Amayel Ly


Additional comment :

Regarding the fundraising, I have spoken with a Malagasy friend of mine who attended UWC couple years ago. Something that we can do to get funding for airplane tickets etc is to get some kind of sponsorship from companies such as Air France, SAA etc. In exchange, UWC students can work for them as an unpaid intern during summer breaks.  My friend told me that they have been doing that for a while and it is working for them.

Do let me know if there if you think that can work for us. 

Thank you



PS: Diago, Bocar and I would be meeting soon in London. Is there anything we can do to help from here?

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