Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

Suggestion de la part de Bassirou Sarr

Bassirou Sarr 12 juin, à 04:18 Répondre

I hope all is well. We just had a little gathering here in New York during which we discussed the possibility of supporting the various initiatives of the national committee. I have copied some alumni who did not attend the dinner, but I am sure they will be equally enthusiastic about the topics we touched upon. We have all benefit from the wonderful opportunity of attending a United World College through the gifts of donors who supported our scholarships. We think that future generations of Senegalese students will enjoy the same opportunities if we contributed to these funds.

Although quite a few of us are still students, I think we can all make modest contributions on annual or semi-annual basis. To start with, I suggest that we all make pledges and set up a collection mechanism within the U.S. before transferring the collected amounts to the treasurer of the national committee.

But going forward, a lot of the UWC graduates will most likely get their college degrees in the United States, so it would be great to discuss ways we can have a lasting structure to keep track of the alumni in the U.S. and ensure their continued support to the National Committee.

On another note, some of us have suggested that we put together a database of students who have completed their degrees in the U.S. and make it available to those currently at the UWC. The idea is to help them navigate through the college application process and provide advice in case they are considering colleges that some of us have attended.

I wanted to run these ideas by you and possibly get everyone's input on ways we can organize this effort.

Best regards,


PS: Oumou will be getting the emails of other alumni that I do not know. She will pass this message to them.

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