Les collèges du Monde Uni - UWC Senegal

Suggestion de Ndeye Aïda Mbow (Pearson Canada 2003 - 2005


Dear UWC Senegal Alumn(us/a),
Deweneti and hope all is well with you!

On a recent initiative to improve communication within the group, Bassirou Sarr (AW 03-05) and I (PC 03-05), with the approval of the National committee, would like to generate a new UWC Senegal list serve as well as a database which will be distributed to all the alumni(a similar effort took place in 2004). The goal is twofold: firstly, to help the national committee leverage on a database and receive alumni contributions(financial or any other nature); and secondly give the opportunity to newly selected students to seek advice about universities that some of us have attended.

We would appreciate if you could please take the time to complete the following;

1. List any of your current e-mail addresses in which you wish to receive future communications(it will be in a list serve and not disclosed if you wish to keep it private)

2. College attended & Major: 

3. Graduate school if any:

4. Phone number (if possible)

5. Current City(if you want to disclose)

6. Current Job (if you want to disclose-optional)

7. Are you interested in helping organize a North America/Outside of Senegal effort to help the initiatives of the National Committee (by taking some sort of leadership position)?
Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Ndeye Aida Mbow

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